استشارات تكنولوجيا المعلومات ·
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التكنولوجيا - الصديقة للبيئة / القوارب / الملاحة / التمويل
IoT action/feedback button
Our button connected via WLAN (or several buttons per device) with battery can be used for various tasks. The buttons can of course be labeled as desired. One push of a button activates a defined operational process and reduces information costs to a considerable extent.
Customer feedback "Satisfied", "Neutral", "Dissatisfied" for hotels, museums
Button on printer to report "Paper empty", "Letterhead empty", "Paper jam".
Button in WC facilities to report "no paper", "soap empty", "no towels".
Quality feedback e.g. in WC facilities "everything OK", "neutral", "cleaning is appropriate".
Voting devices for quiz shows, elections, party conventions.
Our IoT button is based on our IoT base component and has the following additional technical features:
Robust, splash-proof button behind foil
Front foil can be printed as desired, so any button colors (e.g. red, yellow, green) or button symbols (e.g. smilies) are possible